26 Februari 2021

Can Pregnant Mother's Milk and Supplements Be Consumed Simultaneously?

By KALBE Nutritionals

Preparing the arrival of the baby is certainly a priority for every prospective parent so that everything goes well and smoothly. One way is to prepare nutritional intake for expectant mothers, such as milk for pregnant women and supplements or vitamins for pregnant women.
Be it milk or supplements, both are very important. Moreover, expectant mothers need more energy, vitamins and minerals for their future children.
"Almost all obstetricians and midwives will provide additional supplements to pregnant women, including breastfeeding. Therefore, both are very necessary, "said Head of Medical KALBE Nutritionals, dr. Muliaman Mansyur.
Pregnant women's supplements usually contain calcium, folic acid, and iron. Calcium is useful for making the bones of pregnant women strong during pregnancy, while folic acid helps support growth and development and reduces the risk of defects in the fetus. Iron is needed to make new red blood cells, because pregnant women produce more blood supplies for them and the babies in their wombs.
"Milk for pregnant women is important to consume because it contains energy or calories from carbohydrates, protein and essential fats that are not found in supplements," continued dr. Muliaman.
Therefore pregnant women are not advised to only consume supplements, but must be accompanied by special pregnancy milk so that their daily nutritional needs are maintained.

Is it safe to drink pregnant women's milk and pregnant supplements at the same time?

Then actually is it okay to consume milk and pregnancy supplements at the same time? Is it safe or does it create excess nutrition for expectant mothers?
According to dr. Muliaman, milk and supplements for pregnant women can and are safe to consume at the same time. He even revealed that the two of them actually complement each other so that prospective parents don't have to worry.
Besides that, pregnant milk also contains various vitamins and minerals which are often called micro nutrients. "This means that the amount needed is small so that it is not harmful to the body, especially those that dissolve in water. If it's too much, it will be excreted by the body, "said dr. Muliaman.
He also ensures that expectant mothers do not need to be afraid of excess nutrition, let alone fear of side effects, because all products have been regulated by the POM.
Apart from micronutrients, pregnant women also need large amounts of macro nutrients that the body needs. Macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat directly provide calories or energy. In fact, protein is very important for the growth of the baby during the womb.
Not only that, a balanced intake of macro nutrients and micro nutrients is needed by pregnant women because the absorption of micro nutrients requires the right and balanced amount of macro nutrients.
For example, absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D requires carbohydrates; absorption of DHA, vitamins, A, D, E, K, absorption of omega 3 + 6 requires fat; absorption of iron, zinc, folate, B6, B complex and minerals that require protein.
Therefore, to meet the needs of macro and micro nutrition, pregnant women can consume PRENAGEN mommy with the PRENAPRO formula which contains complete nutrition, namely MACRO NUTRITION which consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins; and MICRO NUTRITION, namely vitamins and minerals to help pregnant women get proper and balanced nutritional intake, and not excess because they are specially formulated according to the needs of pregnant women.

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